RC Vinkeveen Concert for EPS

Great PR for #endplasticsoup the headline reads Benefit concert with the #RoyalConcertgebouworkest for End Plastic Soup thx #RCVinkeveenAbcoude. The event will take place on March 14 in #dorpskerkabcoude there are still some tickets avalaible !!! Www.rotary.nl/vinkeveenabcoude


It was only in recent years when EcoBricks has reached our shores. But it has slowly gained traction among Filipinos, due in part to the alarming rates of plastic consumption and the far-reaching effects of negligent plastic disposal. From starting in Guatemala, it has already influenced many people all over the world to collect plastic…

Prize for The Ocean Cleanup

On Saturday 2 June 2018, Boyan Slat, founder and CEO of The Ocean Cleanup, received the 44th International Leonardo Da Vinci Prize. This prize is an initiative of 11 European Rotary clubs and is intended for a young, promising person who is active in one of the many work areas of Leonardo da Vinci. Slat…

Lesson package reuse plastic

Last winter, RC Amsterdam Halfweg came in contact with Marijn, Sam and Ties. These are students from Delft University of Technology who are looking for solutions for the re-use of plastic. They are inspired by Wilson Mzungu, who works as CEO Kenya & co-founder at Muima. The three men are nowadays also a part of…