Newsletter October 2019

Thank you so much for your interest in Rotary EndPlasticSoup ; it is great to see how we are supported by many Rotarians around the world. We need you to help us, become a member with your Rotaryclub, or a friend, sign our petition and put Saturday June 6, 2020 in your diary it will…

EPS Nieuwsbrief April 2020

Lees hier onze laatste nieuwsbrief met daarin een update van de acties van Rotaryclubs, Rotaracters voor EndPlasticSoup. Het zijn bizarre tijden waarin we met elkaar aan het vechten zijn tegen Covid19, wij bieden daarom als Stichting EndPlasticSoup online presentaties (via ZOOM) om uw club te informeren over wat we kunnen doen om ervoor te zorgen…

Newsletter July 2019

Thank you so much for signing the EndPlasticSoup petition; we were overwhelmed by your enthusiasm and support during the Rotary International Convention in Hamburg! About 1500 Rotarians, Rotaracters, Interacters and their friends from over 800 clubs decided to support the Rotary initiative EndPlasticSoup. Read our newsletter July 2019 for more information.